MIT Economics : People
ESSENTIALS OF GAME THEORY - UJEP game theory for researchers in several fields, including artificial intelligence, networking, and algorithms.” —Vijay Vazirani, Georgia Institute of Technology, Computer Science “The authors admirably achieve their aim of providing a scientist or engineer with the essentials of game theory in a text that is rigorous, readable and GAME THEORY - arXiv theoretical work in game theory which was very influential in economics. At the same time, the US Federal Communications Commission was using game theory to help it design a $7-billion auction of the radio spectrum for personal communication services (naturally, the bidders used game theory too!). The GAME THEORY - UCLA game theory written in collaboration with Oskar Morgenstern entitled Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, 1944. Other discussions of the theory of games relevant for our present purposes may be found in the text book,Game Theory by Guillermo Owen, 2nd edition, Academic Press, 1982, and the expository book, Game Theory and Strategy by
Game Theory | Open Yale Courses This course is an introduction to game theory and strategic thinking. Ideas such as dominance, backward induction, Nash equilibrium, evolutionary stability, commitment, credibility, asymmetric information, adverse selection, and signaling are discussed and applied to games played in class and to examples drawn from economics, politics, the movies, and elsewhere. Whither Game Theory? Towards a Theory of Learning in Games hen we were graduate students at MIT (1977–81), the only game theory mentioned in the first-year core was static Cournot (1838) oligopoly, although Eric Maskin taught an advanced elective on game theory and mechanism design. Just ten years later, game theory had invaded mainstream Algorithmic Game Theory (CS364A), Fall 2013 Algorithms and complexity theory for learning and computing Nash and market equilibria. Case studies in Web search auctions, wireless spectrum auctions, matching markets, network routing, and security applications. Prerequisites: basic algorithms and complexity (154N and 161, or equivalent). No prior knowledge of economics or game theory is
This course provides a rigorous treatment of non-cooperative solution concepts in game theory, including rationalizability and Nash, sequential, and stable equilibria. It covers topics such as epistemic foundations, higher order beliefs, bargaining, repeated games, … Game Theory | The MIT Press Game Theory by Fudenberg and Tirole provides a comprehensive and precise exposition of the theory and the main applied topics, plus challenging exercises conveying the key ideas from a wide literature. The treatments of dynamics and incomplete information unify developments of the 1980s. This book will be a standard text and reference. 14.12 Game Theory - MIT to be handed in.1 Each midterm is worth 25%, the final is worth 40%, and the problem sets will make up the remaining 10% of the final grade. The first midterm will be …
ESSENTIALS OF GAME THEORY - UJEP game theory for researchers in several fields, including artificial intelligence, networking, and algorithms.” —Vijay Vazirani, Georgia Institute of Technology, Computer Science “The authors admirably achieve their aim of providing a scientist or engineer with the essentials of game theory in a text that is rigorous, readable and GAME THEORY - arXiv theoretical work in game theory which was very influential in economics. At the same time, the US Federal Communications Commission was using game theory to help it design a $7-billion auction of the radio spectrum for personal communication services (naturally, the bidders used game theory too!). The GAME THEORY - UCLA
A Course in Game Theory - Jun Zhang's Website